What Does P0102 Mean? P0102 is the general code for a problem with the Mass Airflow (MAF) Sensor having a low voltage output to the Engine Control Unit (ECU). engine code P0102P0102 fixobd P0102dtc P0102obd code P0102obd2 P0102P0102 car codediagnostic code P0102car code P0102check engine code P0102fehlercode P0102P0102 fiatcodigo P0102codigo falla P0102P0102 kody błędówcodigo de falla P0102 What are the common causes of P0102? The Mass Airflow sensor will also cause this problem. Mass Airflow circuit malfunction. Fuel with a large percentage of sulfur will clog the DPF quickly A large vacuum leak would cause a massive amount of un-metered air to enter the intake manifold resulting in an overly lean mixture. How do you troubleshoot P0102? Deactivation of cylinders is achieved by releasing a synchroniser pin that normally interlocks the cam follower and rocker arms. P0102 code resolves the synchroniser pin is released using hydraulic pressure which is controlled by a dedicated solenoid. Searches related to P0102 - Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input mass or volume air flow a circuit range/performance p0102 vw p0102 chevy impala 2002 p0102 toyota p0102 bmw p0102 buick p0102 nissan p0102 subaru