What Does P0198 Mean? OBD-II Code P0198 is defined as a Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit High The Engine Oil Temperature Sensor tells the engine control module (PCM) the temperature of the engine oil. If the PCM detects an incorrect signal from the Engine Oil Temperature Sensor, it will set code P0198. engine code P0198P0198 fixobd P0198dtc P0198obd code P0198obd2 P0198P0198 car codediagnostic code P0198car code P0198check engine code P0198fehlercode P0198P0198 fiatcodigo P0198codigo falla P0198P0198 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0198 What are the common causes of P0198 ? Low fuel pressure caused by a clogged filter, failing fuel pump, failed fuel pressure regulator or clogged or leaking injectors. Low fuel pressure caused by a clogged filter, failing fuel pump, failed fuel pressure regulator or clogged or leaking injectors. A large vacuum leak would cause a massive amount of un-metered air to enter the intake manifold resulting in an overly lean mixture. How do you troubleshoot P0198 ? Repairing damaged wiring supplying the short to power PCM repair Addressing the low engine oil temperature Searches related to P0198 - Engine Oil Temperature Sensor High p0198 engine oil temperature sensor location p0198 6.0 powerstroke p0198 subaru p0198 chrysler p0198 nissan p0198 bmw p0198 hyundai p0198 dodge charger