What Does P0213 Mean? OBD-II Code P0213 is defined as a Cold Start Injector 1 The Cold Start Injector adds additional fuel to the intake system to help the engine start in cold weather. If the engine control module (PCM) detects an issue with the Cold Start Injector, the PCM will set code P0213. engine code P0213P0213 fixobd P0213dtc P0213obd code P0213obd2 P0213P0213 car codediagnostic code P0213car code P0213check engine code P0213fehlercode P0213P0213 fiatcodigo P0213codigo falla P0213P0213 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0213 What are the common causes of P0213 ? The most common cause of this code is damage to wiring caused by wildlife. The warm area atop the engine provides shelter for small animals, where they proceed to gnaw the wiring for some strange reason. Other causes include a faulty fuel injector, corroded electrical wiring or connector faces, or a faulty fuel injector driver in the PCM. How do you troubleshoot P0213 ? Replacing the cold start injector Fixing connection issues Repairing or replacing the wiring harness as needed Searches related to P0213 - Cold Start Injector 1 Malfunction P0212 P0214