What Does p0253 Mean? This code only ever gets stored on the PCMs (Powertrain Control Module) of diesel engines. It means that the vehicle’s PCM has detected an inconsistency between the electronic fuel control actuator’s signal voltage that was sent out and the one returned by the fuel metering sensor control. All diesel injection systems rely on some type of an electronic fuel control actuator which is responsible for measuring the amount of fuel that is allowed into the actual pumping chamber of a high pressure diesel fuel pump. Therefore, this device determines how much fuel is going to be delivered to the fuel rail and by how much pressure. This pressure needs to be controlled, though, and the acceptable range is very narrow. The vehicle’s PCM is constantly checking in on this process through a variable resistance sensor. If the vehicle’s PCM notes that the reading is inaccurate due to an inconsistency between signals, this code gets stored. engine code p0253p0253 fixobd p0253dtc p0253obd code p0253obd2 p0253p0253 car codediagnostic code p0253car code p0253check engine code p0253fehlercode p0253p0253 fiatcodigo p0253codigo falla p0253p0253 kody b??dówcodigo de falla p0253 What are the common causes of p0253 ? One of the most common causes of P0235 is a restricted flow of fuel to the high pressure pump. Common restrictions are clogged or dirty fuel filters or strainers. Other possible causes could include the following- Fuel contamination by bacteria, dissolved waxes, and corrosion caused by water in the fuel. Burnt, damaged, shorted, or corroded wiring and connectors. Open circuits caused by engine vibration are also common. Defective fuel pressure sensor. Defective fuel control actuator. Defective high pressure pumps. Defective electric lift pumps (where fitted) Defective fuel shut-off solenoids (where fitted). Failed, or failing fuel control actuator driver circuit(s) in the PCM. Note that this is a relatively rare event, and the fault must be sought elsewhere before any controller is replaced. How do you troubleshoot p0253 ? Look at the plug wires to make sure they are not burnt or laying on the exhaust. With the valve disconnected, the red voltmeter lead should be attached to the IMRC valve power wire and the black voltmeter lead connected to ground. If all testing has passed so far yet you still have the same code, check your scan tool and see if it can open and close the IMRC valve. Searches related to P0253 - Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control 'A' Low p0253 hyundai p0251 injection pump fuel metering control a p0253 injection pump fuel metering control a low (cam/rotor/injector) p0253 tata po253 p0255 injection pump fuel metering control a intermittent cam rotor injector p0253 hyundai starex p0252