What Does P0298 Mean? This code indicates that the PCM has received a signal from the engine oil temperature sensor that the engine has (or is currently) overheating. It also indicates that the engine should probably be turned off to investigate the cause of the code. Operating an engine that is overheating may lead to catastrophic engine failure. engine code P0298P0298 fixobd P0298dtc P0298obd code P0298obd2 P0298P0298 car codediagnostic code P0298car code P0298check engine code P0298fehlercode P0298P0298 fiatcodigo P0298codigo falla P0298P0298 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0298What are the common causes of P0298 ? If an engine is overheating, the most likely cause is a low engine coolant level. However, faulty cooling fans, cracked cylinder heads, a faulty thermostat, or a faulty radiator can all cause an engine to overheat. If the code was stored when the engine had not overheated, it could be due to another cause, such as: Faulty coolant temperature sensor Open or shorted electrical components Faulty PCM These possible causes are very rare, and none of these parts should be replaced without first testing for the most likely causes leading to an engine overheating. How do you troubleshoot P0298 ? The valves of each cylinder are kept closed using a pair of arms that replace the conventional engine's roller-type rocker arm. P0298 code one of these arms follows the cam profile while the second arm connects to the valves. During normal engine operation the two arms are joined by a locking pin. Searches related to P0298 - Engine Oil Over Temperature Condition p2098 dodge p2098 ford p0299