What Does Code P0310 Mean? When an engine misfires, a lack of combustion has occurred. The engine control module (ECM) features a misfire detection monitor to detect an engine misfire and denote in which cylinder the misfire occurred. Using crankshaft and camshaft positions, as well as engine RPM, the ECM calculates necessary fuel delivery and ignition timing. To store a P0310 code, the ECM has specifically detected a misfire in cylinder number 10. If the Check Engine Light illuminates fully and a P0310 code is stored, the ECM detected a misfire in cylinder number 10 that is severe enough to possibly damage the catalytic converter. Otherwise, the Check Engine Light may blink and turn off, meaning a misfire has been detected, but that the effects are not currently severe enough to damage the catalytic converter. engine code P0310P0310 fixobd P0310dtc P0310obd code P0310obd2 P0310P0310 car codediagnostic code P0310car code P0310check engine code P0310fehlercode P0310P0310 fiatcodigo P0310codigo falla P0310P0310 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0310 What are the common causes of P0310 ? Faulty IMRC actuator relay (if equipped) A large air leak at or near the number one oxygen sensor would also cause a lean mixture. An air leak forward of the DPF will change the sensor readings resulting in the code How do you troubleshoot P0310 ? Like the all engines, the car engine system employs specially developed hydraulic lifters (known as switching roller followers) for the P0310 code intake and exhaust valves. The lifters can be collapsed by disengaging an internal locking pin. The locking pin is disengaged using solenoids to alter oil pressure fed into the lifter. Searches related to P0310 - Cylinder 10 Misfire Detected p0310 hyundai p0311 p0310 ford p0312 p1700 code p0301 p0130 p0410