What Does P0316 Mean? Taking the crankshaft position, as well as camshaft position and engine RPMs into consideration, the Engine Control Module (ECM) calculates fuel delivery and ignition timing. If the ECM detects a variation from its preset parameters in the position of the camshaft and crankshaft, an engine misfire is noted and a P0316 code may appear during a OBD-II scan. engine code P0316P0316 fixobd P0316dtc P0316obd code P0316obd2 P0316P0316 car codediagnostic code P0316car code P0316check engine code P0316fehlercode P0316P0316 fiatcodigo P0316codigo falla P0316P0316 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0316 What are the common causes of P0316 ? An air leak forward of the DPF will change the sensor readings resulting in the code Rusty exhaust systems, cracked exhaust manifolds or damaged or missing gaskets or donuts will cause air leaks. Some aftermarket accessories and performance modifications How do you troubleshoot P0316 ? Deactivation of cylinders is achieved by releasing a synchroniser pin that normally interlocks the cam follower and rocker arms. P0316 code resolves the synchroniser pin is released using hydraulic pressure which is controlled by a dedicated solenoid. Searches related to P0316 - Engine Misfire Detected on Startup misfire detected on startup first 1000 revolutions 2002 ford taurus p0316 and p0301 ford escape p0316 p0304 ford code p0303 ford code p0301 ford code p0306 ford p0304 ford p0300