P0362 Code - Ignition Coil 12 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction

Discussion in 'P - Powetrain Codes' started by fault code, Dec 31, 2017.

  1. fault code

    fault code Administrator Staff Member

    May 11, 2017
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    What Does P0362 Mean?

    The ignition system in a vehicle uses ignition coils in each cylinder. The ECM controls the ignition coils, causing them to work with the spark plug to create a spark for ignition. If the ignition coils do not respond to an on or off command, the ECM alerts the PCM to store the P0362 code.

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    What are the common causes of P0362 ?

    To sum things up, the common causes for code P0362 are as follows:
    • Faulty ignition coil
    • Problem in the ignition coil circuit
    • Problem with the PCM

    How do you troubleshoot P0362 ?

    Look for missing ground strap or a rusty ground where the fuel tank is grounded to the frame. Check for damage to the wiring harness connector. If the scan tool has that capability, and the scan tool can operate the IMRC valves, then the problem is either resolved and a simple code clearing is all that's left or a new PCM would be called for.

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