What Does P0382 Mean? Diesel engines don’t just consume a different type of fuel than the kind necessary for more conventional vehicles. They actually function a lot differently too. One example of this is the need for a glow plug. When an owner goes to start their diesel engine, the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) immediately takes a reading on the temperature of the engine. If it finds that the temperature is too low, a glow plug is used to heat up the cylinder temperatures so that the diesel fuel will have an easier time igniting. These glow plugs will literally glow red hot in order to achieve the needed temperature for this to happen. In some vehicles, the PCM will actually keep the glow plugs going after the engine has started. Manufacturers elect for this option when they want to reduce engine noises or simply the production of white noise. When the P0382 code is stored by the PCM, it’s because it’s detected a problem with the glow plug heater circuit B which is keeping it from working properly. engine code P0382P0382 fixobd P0382dtc P0382obd code P0382obd2 P0382P0382 car codediagnostic code P0382car code P0382check engine code P0382fehlercode P0382P0382 fiatcodigo P0382codigo falla P0382P0382 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0382 What are the common causes of P0382 ? The Mass Airflow sensor will also cause this problem. Mass Airflow circuit malfunction. Fuel with a large percentage of sulfur will clog the DPF quickly Dirty air cleaner element Damaged DPF How do you troubleshoot P0382 ? While fuel economy was increased, acceleration was seriously compromised, and the loss of engine vacuum led to a dangerous loss of braking assist when the P0382 code system was in four-cylinder mode. In addition to these issues, while the company proposed a hydraulically controlled system that could be switched from within the car, the version they implemented had to be manually changed in the engine compartment using hand tools. Searches related to P0382 - Glow Plug/Heater Circuit 'B' Malfunction p0382 cummins code p0383 great wall fault codes p0380 glow plug/heater circuit a malfunction p0380 cummins po382 code p1693 cummins p1689