What Does P0485 Mean? OBD-II Code Cooling fans may stay on all the time is defined as a Fan Power/Ground Circuit The purpose of the electric cooling fan system is to provide extra cooling capacity to the conventional radiator cooling system on hot days, and/or when the A/C is on, an/or when the vehicle is being driven in stop and go traffic which causes insufficient Airflow over the radiator. When the engine control module (PCM) cannot control the cooling fan as desired, it will set this code. engine code P0485P0485 fixobd P0485dtc P0485obd code P0485obd2 P0485P0485 car codediagnostic code P0485car code P0485check engine code P0485fehlercode P0485P0485 fiatcodigo P0485codigo falla P0485P0485 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0485 What are the common causes of P0485 ? Common causes include a bad cooling fan motor or a faulty cooling fan relay. Less common causes include corroded or loose electrical connectors, a faulty engine coolant temperature sensor, and open or shorted electrical wiring (often resulting in a blown fuse). How do you troubleshoot P0485 ? Deactivation of cylinders is achieved by releasing a synchroniser pin that normally interlocks the cam follower and rocker arms. P0485 code resolves the synchroniser pin is released using hydraulic pressure which is controlled by a dedicated solenoid. Searches related to P0485 - Cooling Fan Power/Ground Circuit Malfunction p0485 citroen p0485 peugeot 206 p0485 fault code arctic cat p0845