What Does P0642 Mean? OBD-II Code P0642 is defined as a Sensor Reference Voltage "A" Circuit Low The engine control module (PCM) sends out a 5 volt reference signal to all applicable engine sensors. If the PCM detects an incorrect output signal, it will set code P0642. engine code P0642P0642 fixobd P0642dtc P0642obd code P0642obd2 P0642P0642 car codediagnostic code P0642car code P0642check engine code P0642fehlercode P0642P0642 fiatcodigo P0642codigo falla P0642P0642 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0642 What are the common causes of P0642 ? The most likely causes of this code being stored are shorted or open wiring or connectors between the interfacing control modules, open or shorted wiring or connectors in the PCM input circuitry from the engine sensors, loose or disconnected ground wires to the PCM or other control modules, internal malfunctions in the PCM. How do you troubleshoot P0642 ? In many cases, the cause of the P0642 code will be repaired during the initial diagnosis, because the electrical components are the most likely issue when this code is stored. However, there are other repairs that may need to be made to solve the root issue present. These include: Replacing faulty engine control module (ECM). Replacing or repairing open or shorted ECM harness. Replacing shorted sensor on 5-volt circuit. Replacing a PCM that shows signs of internal malfunctions. Replacing any control modules that are malfunctioning. When replacing any control modules, the new modules will have to be reprogrammed. If the mechanic skips this step, it is likely that many codes will be stored over the next few drive cycles. A PCM that is not properly programmed can make the vehicle enter a no start condition. It is also important that the P0642 code be cleared and the system be retested after every possible repair. This process narrows down the root cause of the issue until the correct repair is found and performed. Searches related to P0642 - Sensor Reference Voltage 'A' Circuit Low p0642 ford transit p0642 ford fiesta p0642 vw p0642 dodge p0642 audi p0642 dodge cummins p0642 hyundai p0642 ford focus