What does P0781 Mean? OBD-II Code P0781 is defined as a 1-2 Shift The Transmission Control Module (TCM) uses hydraulic pressure an electronic solenoids to select and hold various gears in the transmission. When the TCM detects that the transmission is not holding the requested gear, it will tell the engine control module (PCM) to set code P0781. engine code P0781P0781 fixobd P0781dtc P0781obd code P0781obd2 P0781P0781 car codediagnostic code P0781car code P0781check engine code P0781fehlercode P0781P0781 fiatcodigo P0781codigo falla P0781P0781 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0781 What are the common causes of P0781 ? A large air leak at or near the number one oxygen sensor would also cause a lean mixture. Faulty IMRC actuator relay (if equipped) Fuel with a large percentage of sulfur will clog the DPF quickly How do you troubleshoot P0781 ? The engine system, in conjuction with the engine control module (ECM)/powertrain control module (PCM), activates the P0781 code solenoid valve to control oil pressure to the engine mechanism that is installed in the valve system to switch valve timing between Low and High.If the engine solenoid valve has an open or short circuit, a DTC is stored. Searches related to P0781 - 1-2 Shift Malfunction p0781 code ford p0781 7.3 powerstroke p0781 4r100 p0782 4r100 1 2 shift error p2714