What does P0972 Mean? Regarding the P0972 code, it would probably be worthwhile to carefully inspect the wire harness near the intake manifold bracket. This is done most easily from below the car in the area near the oil filter. When you see P0972 engine fault code on your engine code reader this description will help you. engine code P0972P0972 fixobd P0972dtc P0972obd code P0972obd2 P0972P0972 car codediagnostic code P0972car code P0972check engine code P0972fehlercode P0972P0972 fiatcodigo P0972codigo falla P0972P0972 kody b??dówcodigo de falla P0972 What are the common causes of P0972 ? Low transmission fluid level Dirty transmission fluid Faulty Shift solenoid 'A' valve Shift solenoid 'A' valve harness or connectors Shift solenoid 'A' valve circuit is open or shorted How do you troubleshoot P0972 ? You might continue by connecting the scanner to the vehicle diagnostic connector and retrieving all stored codes and freeze frame data. Look for missing ground strap or a rusty ground where the fuel tank is grounded to the frame. Check for damage to the wiring harness connector. Searches related to P0972 Code - Shift Solenoid 'A' Control Circuit Range/Performance P0972 P0973